Insights on Personalized Product Recommendations

Updated: January 2024


An ever-growing number of product recommendation engines have been flooding the market, prompting ecommerce sites to adopt this feature. We surveyed 1,000 online shoppers to find out how consumers feel about personalized product recommendations and how those recommendations impact consumer decisions.

Sentiment Around Personalized Recommendations

The results from our survey show positive response is quite high: Only 12% responded negatively, finding recommendations “distracting.” In contrast, nearly three-fourths of all shoppers found recommendations helpful.

  • 72% of users feel positively about them.
  • 12% find them distracting.
  • The remaining 12% remain neutral.

Those who find personalized product recommendations distracting could attribute this sentiment to how product recommendation software is implemented, which may give a poor customer experience. 

It’s important to be aware of where a shopper is in your sales funnel, in addition to ensuring your tech stack is properly showing relevant product recommendations.

Age and Its Impact on Product Recommendations

Age demographics play a crucial role:

  • 41% of those aged 18-29 actively seek out personalized product recommendations.
  • Only 27% of individuals aged 65 and above do the same.

Younger generations have embraced AI-driven recommendations and expect a collaborative, conversational experience on a page. It might be that older users have a more self-reliant mindset, expecting static pages. In the case of this demographic, product recommendations may suffer “banner blindness,” as older consumers seem to cease noticing them after a while

Conversion Rates and Age Dynamics

  • A staggering 79% of the younger demographic (18-29 years) responded they had purchased a product based on product recommendations.
  • In contrast, 61% of individuals aged 65+ are influenced by them.

This data reinforces the role age plays in online shopping behaviors and the weight these recommendations carry for different age groups.

The Influence of Product Recommendations on Additional Purchases

  • 88% of respondents claim that product recommendations don’t influence them to buy additional items.
  • Only 12% felt swayed by these suggestions.

Gender Dynamics in Product Recommendations

Gender also plays a role in how consumers respond to product recommendations. Women are more likely to purchase based on product recommendations (72%). In contrast, 62% of men are so influenced.

How Often Do Recommendations Lead to Purchases?

  • 51% of users claim recommendations often lead them to buy a new product.
  • 19% feel that they have led to a purchase at least once.
  • 30% assert they’ve never been influenced by these recommendations.

9 Ways to Get the Most from Product Recommendations

Wondering how to maximize the use of product recommendations? Explore our nine tips.

  1. Leverage real-time data, as “Buy Buy Baby” does, by suggesting products based on in-session shopping behavior.
  2. Present relevant, demographic-based recommendations to users, aligned to categories and products they search for.
  3. Mix similar products with complementary products. By diversifying recommendations, you can cater to a broader range of customer needs and interests.
  4. Respect user privacy and make consumers aware when collecting data.
  5. Harness engagement data. Andy & Evan, an American children’s clothing brand, saw a 50% increase in engagement by showcasing product recommendations.
  6. Get shoppers more engaged. Product recommendations increase the likelihood of conversions by maintaining user interest for longer sessions.
  7. Use customer purchase history to provide the most relevant recommendations.
  8. Provide a personalized experience across desktop, mobile, and email.
  9. Use real-time affinity data to suggest products.

5 Critical Mistakes in Product Recommendations

Some of the most common mistakes made with product recommendations include:

  • Overwhelming Users: Too many suggestions can be counterproductive.
  • Making Irrelevant Recommendations: Offering unrelated products can alienate shoppers.
  • Providing Static Algorithms: The market is dynamic, and so should the algorithms behind recommendations.
  • Neglecting A/B Testing: Regular A/B testing ensures that the recommendations remain effective.
  • Ignoring Feedback: Constantly refine recommendations based on user feedback.

Learn About Your Customers

In the rapidly evolving ecommerce landscape, understanding and catering to customer needs is paramount. It’s not merely about implementing personalized product recommendations in ecommerce; it’s about ensuring they are accurate, relevant, and genuinely beneficial to the shopper. 

Regularly employ customer insights, conduct surveys, and engage in direct feedback. By centering strategies around the customer, ecommerce platforms stand to reap tangible benefits in the form of engagement, loyalty, and increased sales.

Every feature you implement should be driven by customer experience. Once you implement a new feature, customer surveys can tell you in concrete, quantifiable ways whether the feature is well received, and whether it has improved customer sentiment and net promoter score.

Bizrate Insights provides customer feedback solutions that allow you to easily learn how customers feel about your ecommerce site and their user experience, all at no cost. Reach out to us today!


Find answers to commonly asked questions about the importance and impact of product recommendations.

How Can Product Recommendations Enhance the Shopping Experience for Online Customers?

Product recommendations help online shoppers find what they’re looking for by personalizing individual user experiences and suggesting similar or complementary products based on past searches and purchases. This personalization leads to better conversions and customer satisfaction. 

What Types of Information Can Be Gathered from Surveys to Generate Insights on Product Recommendations?

The following are some of the most important kinds of information that surveys can provide on individual shoppers:

  • Preferred items
  • User needs
  • Feature expectations
  • Challenges to overcome
  • Purchase history
  • Feedback on previously recommended items
  • Unique demographics

Surveys not only offer insight into an individual’s shopping behavior, previous experience, and future expectations, but also help you understand how these preferences are unique based on age groups, gender, and other demographics.

How Do Businesses Effectively Implement Personalized Product Recommendations Based on Survey Insights?

Powerful algorithms available through AI and machine learning (ML) help businesses gain sophisticated details from surveys. Recommendation engines monitor shoppers’ online behavior to predict what interests them most. commerce businesses can customize product suggestions tailored to every shopper’s interests, using metrics from survey results, search history, and previous purchases.

What Survey Methodologies and Tools Are Most Effective in Collecting Data for Product Recommendation Insights?

An effective survey method or tool aims to give shoppers the best experience on your platform, turning that positive experience into increased sales. The following are powerful ways to get the most from consumer data:

  • Use AI and ML to analyze hidden gems in your metrics so users see recommended products that align with their past behavior and current interests.
  • Take advantage of product recommendation engines to fully contextualize previous site visits, page views, and earlier sales.

Additionally, three highly effective types of surveys can help perfect the online experience:

1. Exploratory

Exploratory surveys include open-ended questions that allow people to express their perspectives, going beyond yes and no responses to offer unlimited insights.

2. Predictive

Predictive surveys help uncover the cause and effect of different variables on user shopping experiences.

3. Descriptive

These surveys are designed to help provide a broader range of information about users, including behaviors and other distinct characteristics.

Are There Any Privacy Concerns Related to Collecting Customer Data for Generating Product Recommendations?

Yes. Companies need to take privacy and security seriously when collecting customer data. These are some of the significant factors to keep in mind:

Data Security

If you collect user data, you need to follow industry best practices to provide people with safe, encrypted connections when entering data. Additionally, encryptions should protect stored data on your company’s side. Also, do not neglect the PCI DSS standards that were developed to ensure the safety of customer data throughout payment processing. 

Regulatory Compliance

Regulations can differ from region to region, so it’s crucial that any company collecting data knows and follows the rules around user data storage, precautions, and security measures required by law. 


People are wary of how their information is used online. Let your visitors know what you’re doing with their data when they complete a survey and whether things like their browser history and purchase data are used to refine their online experience.

Consumer Trust

Being transparent with your intentions in collecting data and following proper legal guidelines will help you gain public trust.

Are There Specific Industries or Types of Products Where Survey-Derived Recommendations Are Particularly Beneficial?

Any industry that serves customers online can benefit from relevant data used to make personalized product recommendations. Healthcare organizations, food and beverage companies, health and beauty providers, and even B2B businesses can all gain valuable insights from surveys. 

But without question, ecommerce companies are the most reliant on surveys and product recommendations to help increase sales.

How Effective Are Product Recommendations?

Product recommendations are highly effective for increasing sales by enhancing the customer experience, boosting user engagement, and reducing online cart abandonment.

What Is the Impact of Product Recommendations on Sales?

When you provide users with a personalized online shopping experience, they may feel inspired to spend more time on your platform, and the likelihood of converting a sale increases. Product recommendations are the most effective when users enjoy complete transparency about how their data is used to enhance the time spent on your site.

What Key Challenges Do ecommerce Businesses Face When Implementing Product Recommendation Strategies Based on Survey Insights, and How Can They Overcome These Challenges?

Online businesses don’t always know where to start with surveys, automated recommendation engines, and using AI and ML technologies. Once a company begins putting surveys and tools to work, there’s still a learning curve to discover how to use valuable insights to their full advantage. 

The steep learning curve includes the need to understand regulatory compliance for user privacy and data storage.

Overcome Struggles with Bizrate Insights

Bizrate Insights helps businesses collect valuable feedback directly from their verified customers, providing you with the power of our customizable recommendation system based on product purchase analysis. 


There’s no reason to remain in the dark about what motivates your visitors. Explore their pain points so you can fix them and increase conversions.

Learn how to get your first survey up and running today with no upfront cost and no risk.

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